3D Models

3d model screen shot of Gault Middle School- a historic building recently destroyed by fire

  • Time efficiency- Data capture for a large, multi-tiered building like the one above can be completed in as little as two hours. Models can ready in as little as 3 business days- This time will vary on a project-by-project basis

  • Cost effective- The time efficiency allows us to keep our costs down without sacrificing the quality that you need to meet GEO

    21- 02 and Section 106 assessment needs

  • High quality digital records- Can support any building requests that needs GEO 21-02 and Section 106 assessment.

  • Online and Offline viewers -available allowing for complete control of access to your digital records anywhere in the world

  • Forever Records-Once a 3d model of a building is created the history of that building will always be preserved in that model

  • Safety- we never fly closer than any standoff distance that the building or organization requires. All FAA regulations will be followed in all of our flights and each flight a Job Hazard Analysis will be performed before the job will all crew members to insure safety will be implemented into all aspects of our data capture

  • Click here to access the full model. Contact us for the password to the model.

Digital Twin Documentation

o Time Efficiency- Walking capture method with a state of the art camera and processing software allows large areas to be captured in hours, not days

o Quality Captures- high quality digital twins of real world assets both inside and outside can be used for site conditions surveys, as is assessments, annual maintenance inspections and can support GEO 21-02 and Section 106 assessment requirements

o Cost Effective- State of the art cameras and capture methoe are used for data capture keeping costs affordable for any organization

o Detailed Assessment-Tools such as measurements, annotations and timeline compare allow for detailed analysis of every asset captured