3D Models
3d model screen shot of Gault Middle School- a historic building recently destroyed by fire
Time efficiency- Data capture for a large, multi-tiered building like the one above can be completed in as little as two hours. Models can ready in as little as 3 business days- This time will vary on a project-by-project basis
Cost effective- The time efficiency allows us to keep our costs down without sacrificing the quality that you need to meet GEO
21- 02 and Section 106 assessment needs
High quality digital records- Can support any building requests that needs GEO 21-02 and Section 106 assessment.
Online and Offline viewers -available allowing for complete control of access to your digital records anywhere in the world
Forever Records-Once a 3d model of a building is created the history of that building will always be preserved in that model
Safety- we never fly closer than any standoff distance that the building or organization requires. All FAA regulations will be followed in all of our flights and each flight a Job Hazard Analysis will be performed before the job will all crew members to insure safety will be implemented into all aspects of our data capture
Click here to access the full model. Contact us for the password to the model.
Digital Twin Documentation
o Time Efficiency- Walking capture method with a state of the art camera and processing software allows large areas to be captured in hours, not days
o Quality Captures- high quality digital twins of real world assets both inside and outside can be used for site conditions surveys, as is assessments, annual maintenance inspections and can support GEO 21-02 and Section 106 assessment requirements
o Cost Effective- State of the art cameras and capture methoe are used for data capture keeping costs affordable for any organization
o Detailed Assessment-Tools such as measurements, annotations and timeline compare allow for detailed analysis of every asset captured